Arc-Design offers a Consultant Service where we compile a brief from your needs and design a building appropriate to that brief. The service includes the following stages:-
Design Consultation
Design Development
Development Application Documentation
Construction Certificate Documentation
Tender Documentation
Contract Administration.
Other services include:-
Computer Design Presentation -We can design and render
your project in a Photo realistic manner giving an exact representation of
the design, inside and out.
Unique Residential Service
Arc-Design offers a unique design service in that we encourage you as client to design your own home (psychic space) to suite your own needs, desires and potential areas of growth. We do this with our background in Fine Art, Psychology and Philosophy. It is an excellent opportunity to look at the mythology of one's family, where all the functions of personality fit into a pattern. This can be uniquely reflected in the design of your home.
Servicing the greater sydney region
Tel. 02 4658 1691
All inquiries to
Structural Engineers
-Chapman Hutchison Pty Ltd
Design Pty Ltd
Civil, Mechanical & Hydraulic Engineers
Building Contractors
-C & L Constructions Pty Ltd
-Editan Constructions Pty Ltd
-Northcote Constructions
Construction Certifiers
-Anthony Protas
-Terry West Building Approvals
-Advanced Building Approvals